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My name is Eliza! Nice to meet you 🖐️

<aside> 🐱 Who am I?

I'm a UX/UI designer with a programming background, passionate by art, k-pop music, and content creation. I find inspiration at nature, sunsets, music videos, and delicious food.


My background

<aside> 🎓 I graduated from Belarusian State University as a web-programmer & computer designer.

Due to education I gained knowledge in programming, web-designing, 3D-modeling and design.

<aside> 🎨 I’ve visited the art school in my home town for 5 years. For this period of time I’ve learned all basic information about composition, typography, work with shadow & light on images. We participated in different competitions & exhibitions, visit different cities, schools, countries and meet new peoples, teachers, learned new techniques. This education helped me how look at this world as an artist, how find the best color and compositional solution to many problems.


<aside> 🎓 Job Interview course for UX/UI designers

This was conducted by UX designer Veronica Sotskaya. The main task of this was to help designers prepare to job interviews and improve English skills. Due 5 weeks we were working on our project and prepare case study.

<aside> 🎓 Google UX design

Due to the course were learned all main and specific topics of UX design. Huge amount of attention were gave to accessibility and making designs more easy to use.

Hobbies & interests

<aside> 🍪 I really enjoy baking. Especially if there is time for seasonal fruits & berries. I really like moments when all family meet together on the weekend’s evening, drink tea and tasting homemade food.


<aside> 🖌️ Spending time on working with colors, brushes and pencils makes me really happy. Drawing therapy helps me to clear my mind and share emotions with this world


<aside> 🖼️ Art exhibitions could be really interesting and cognitive. They could present new artist and pressing problems of society or artists of various time periods and styles. I really like the feeling that arises from the opportunity to see real art that expresses human emotions, thoughts and problems


<aside> ✈️ I really like to travel, visit new places, countries, meet new peoples and taste national food. This hobby shows me how the world is different, helps to find answers for the huge amount of questions, and inspiration for working & living.


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